Dispel the rumors and clarify the myths about
foods that are healthy during pregnancy and
those to steer clear of.
By Arihalam Valentine
Image result for A Food Guide for Pregnant Women
Red-Light Foods
During your pregnancy there are a few things
that might stress you out, but eating shouldn't


®Image result for A Food Guide for Pregnant WomenImage result for A Food Guide for Pregnant Women

Eating for two can be a nerve-wracking
responsibility, especially with so much conflicting


Image result for breast cancer and its causes
Breast cancer is
an uncontrolled
growth of cells
that starts in the
breast tissue.


What does the food you eat have to do
with how your brain functions? Turns
out an awful lot. While we’ve always
known that what we eat affects our
bodies and how we look, scientists are
also learning more and more that what
we eat takes a toll on

How Your Menstrual Works: The Natural Way Your Body Prevents Irregular Periods

Image result for How Your Menstrual Works: The Natural Way Your Body Prevents Irregular Period
Anovulation is the failure of the ovary to
release eggs (or “ovium”) over a period
of time, usually exceeding three

How to Rebalance Hormones and Bring Back Your Period

Image result for How to Rebalance Hormones and Bring Back Your PeriodImage result for How to Rebalance Hormones and Bring Back Your Period
As you can see, a woman’s diet, level
of stress, relationship with family and
friends, habit of exercise, environment,


Aside from being pregnant and going
through menopause, which both
normally stop a woman from getting
her period, here are the other major
causes for irregular periods or
1. High Stress Levels
When you’re under a lot of stress for an
ongoing period, your body can start to
conserve energy by preventing
ovulation. Experiencing a traumatic
event can suddenly cause the adrenals
to work overtime, which can disrupt the
production of estrogen and other
reproductive hormones (a condition
called hypothalamic amenorrhea).
When you don’t have a lot of estrogen,
you aren’t able to properly build up the
uterine lining, and as a consequence
you don’t get your period.
Why does this happen? Essentially,
your body makes sure that
emergencies get priority. Comfort is
nice and being fertile is important, but
it’s still secondary to survival. A built-
in survival mechanism that is ingrained
in all of us is the ongoing production of
crucial “fight or flight” stress hormones
like cortisol and adrenaline. Adrenaline
and cortisol are the two major players
related to our stress responses that
help us get away from threats (whether
real immediate ones or just perceived
ones). Adrenaline and cortisol are
completely necessary and sometimes
beneficial — helping us to run, climb,
exert energy, sweat and regulate our
heartbeat, for example — but too much
can become a problem.
The body always grants priority to
producing these stress hormones that
will help you survive a crisis, so sex
hormones can take a backseat when
your body perceives that “times are
tough.” Under chronic stress, there’s
not enough raw materials available –
such as amino acids that help
neurotransmitters to work – to make
both sex hormones and stress
hormones in some cases, so a choice
must be made and the body always
chooses stress hormones. Severe
stress conditions like dieting, heavy
exercise training or intense emotional
events are all situations that can
induce amenorrhea with or without
body weight loss.
2. Poor Diet
A poor diet low in nutrients,
antioxidants and probiotic foods yet
high in stimulants can tax the adrenal
glands and thyroid. For example, a
high intake of sugar, hydrogenated fats
and artificial additives, or pesticides is
linked with thyroid issues and adrenal
fatigue that can raise cortisol.
Excess cortisol hinders the optimal
function of many other essential
hormones, such as sex hormones. It
can also promote the breakdown of
bones, skin, muscles and brain tissue
when high over a long period of time.
This cycle of excess cortisol can lead
to protein breakdown, which results in
muscle-wasting and potentially
If you’re struggling with menstruation,
make sure to eat enough food and
make it the right kind. Eat high
antioxidant foods that are nutrient-
dense, especially plenty of fats
(even saturated fats that are good for
you) and proteins. Also, choose a high-
calorie supplement if you are
underweight, have low body fat or are
an athlete.
3. Extreme Weight Loss and Low
Body Weight
When your body mass index (BMI) falls
below 18 or 19, you can start to miss
your period due to having too little body
fat. Body fat is important for creating
enough estrogen, which is why very
thin women or those with serious
conditions like anorexia and bulimia
can experience absent or missed
periods. Increased physical activity and
nutritional demands of intensive
exercise can sometimes lead to a low
body weight that put you at risk for
hormonal problems.
A low-calorie, low-fat diet can also
result in nutrient deficiencies and
lowered body-fat percentages that may
contribute to irregular periods and bone
loss. Some reports also show that very
lean vegans and vegetarians, including
those on fully “raw” diets, might also
be at a higher risk – likely because
they are more prone to becoming
underweight and suffering deficiencies.
4. Over-Exercising
Although moderate exercise is very
important for ongoing heart health,
mood regulation, sleep and maintaining
a healthy body weight, too much
exercise can also put excess pressure
on your adrenal, thyroid and pituitary
glands. Women who rapidly start
exercising at high intensities — for
example, by training for a marathon or
some other major event that requires a
high level of physical excretion — can
stop getting their period suddenly.
Like other stress hormones, cortisol is
released in response to any real or
perceived stress, which can be
physical (including exercise) or
emotional. Such stressors include
overworking and overtraining, in
addition to things like under-sleeping,
fasting, infection and emotional upsets.
Today, with pressure to stay thin and in
shape, some women feel they need to
exercise intensely and “break a good
sweat” too much and too many days
per week.
This kind of exertion can actually
increase stress and deplete the body of
energy needed to regulate sex
hormones. One University of Michigan
report found that running and ballet
dancing are among the activities most
closely associated with amenorrhea . As
many as 66 percent of women long-
distance runners and ballet dancers
experience amenorrhea at one time or
another! Shockingly, among women
bodybuilders, 81 percent experienced
amenorrhea at some point and many
had nutritionally deficient diets!
“Exercise-induced amenorrhea ” can be
an indicator of an overall energy drain
and is most common among young
women. In fact, female participation in
high school athletics has increased
800 percent in the last 30 years, and at
the same time hormonal imbalances
have also risen. Other concerning
issues that sometimes come along with
this phenomena include bone density
loss and eating disorders. That’s why
addressing skeletal problems, heart
complications and nutritional
deficiencies in this population is a very
high priority for physicians.
Causes of irregular periods infographic
5. Thyroid Disorders
You may never suspect it, but it just
might be that your thyroid is the cause
of your problems related to hormonal
imbalances. Some reports show that
thyroid disorders may be one of the
leading causes of missed periods, with
roughly 15 percent of amenorrhea
patients experiencing thyroid
irregularities. The thyroid gland, often
called a “master gland” and considered
a crucial controller of the endocrine
system, largely controls your
metabolism and impacts many sex
Thyroid disorders, including
hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism ,
can cause widespread symptoms
like changes in estrogen and cortisol
hormones and missed periods. Too
much cortisol circulating in the body
can lead to overall hormone resistance,
including thyroid resistance. This
means that the body becomes
desensitized to these hormones, and
more may be required to do the same
6. Stopping the Birth Control Pill
Some women stop getting their period
somewhat intentionally while on birth
control, but even when they stop the
pill their period doesn’t return . While
some doctors advise that a woman’s
period should adjust and return within
a few months of stopping the pill, many
women experience missed or irregular
periods for years afterward.
A woman’s natural menstrual cycle is
composed of rising and falling levels of
estrogen and progesterone, but taking
birth control pills keeps estrogen at a
sufficiently high level, which fools the
body into thinking it’s pregnant and
results in irregular periods. It takes the
body many months or even years to
correct this and return to homeostasis.
One report published in the American
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
found that about 29 percent of women
experience missed periods for more
than three months after going off the
pill. My advice: Just say no to birth
control pills.
7. Ongoing Hormonal Imbalances
and Disorders
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is
a hormone imbalance in women that
negatively impacts ovulation. When a
woman has PCOS, she experiences
altered levels of sex hormones —
including estrogen, progesterone and
testosterone — that can result in
abnormal body or facial hair growth,
weight gain, blood sugar problems,
acne, and irregular menstrual cycles.
PCOS can be diagnosed by a woman’s
gynecologist who will test for hormone
levels, review symptoms and family
history, and potentially examine the
ovaries for cyst growths.
It’s also possible to go through
“premature menopause” prior to the
age of about 40, which can missed
periods, hot flashes, night sweats and
vaginal dryness – although this is a
less common reason for irregular
8. Food Allergies and Sensitivities
Undiagnosed gluten sensitivity or
celiac disease can both impact
hormone levels. Because these
conditions can cause nutrient
deficiencies, negatively impact gut
health and add chronic stress to your
adrenal glands, they have the ability to
affect sex hormone production.


Raw or uncooked foods can cause miscarriage.
1. Crabs
Crab has a high level of nutrients, provides a rich
source of calcium that helps strengthen bones
and teeth; it’s also a favorite food of many
pregnant women when summer comes.
However, no matter how you love eating crabs,
you need to limit eating them in the first 3
months of pregnancy. That’s because crabs can
cause the uterus to shrink, which leads to genital
bleeding or even miscarriage.
Besides, the content of cholesterol in crabs is very
high. Pregnant women who have high blood
pressure, Pre-eclampsia shouldn’t eat crabs.
Crab has a high level of nutrients.
2. Tortoise Meat
Have you ever heard about the harmful effects
from eating crabs during pregnancy? Tortoise is
good for the kidney, but it’s also fishy and cold,
and able to remove tumor, clear the vein. So,
tortoise has certain harmfulness to pregnant
women, particularly, the tortoise’s leg can cause
miscarriage more easily than its meat.
3. Pineapple
Pregnant women in the first 3 months of
pregnancy shouldn’t eat and drink too much
pineapple juice because this fruit can cause
contraction which leads to miscarriage; cause
diarrhea or allergy to pregnant women. The
reason is that pineapple has bromelain which is
able to soften the uterus and produces aborticide.
However, after this period of time, pregnant
women can eat a moderate and sensible amount
of pineapple.
In the first 3 months of pregnancy, women
shouldn’t eat pineapple.
Image result for pearl barleY
4. Pearl barley
The pearl barley contains lots of amino acid that
is necessary to the body. Eating lots of pearl
barley can provide the energy consumed because
of the high temperature on hot days and improve
resistance power. For women, having a sensible
amount of pearl barley can help them have a
bright, smooth skin, reduce wrinkles, remove
freckles and brown spots
5. Eating a lot of green papaw, pineapple and
bitter melon
In reality, these foods are rich in nutrients and
they are good for body. However, they have
opposite effect to pregnant women. According to
many researches, overusing green papaw,
pineapple and bitter melon in pregnancy can make
pregnant women suffer from miscarriage.
Papaw (especially green papaw), pineapple and
bitter melon contain a lot of beautiful women
stimulants that can easily change hormone in
mothers’ body in pregnancy, so pregnant women
should remember to limit about using these foods.
6. Using herbal remedy uncontrolledly
Kinds of herbal remedy such as cumin tea, daisy
tea, Liquorice tea, raspberry tea are considered to
have effect in stimulating womb to prepare for
contraction of uterine and giving birth. Therefore,
using these kinds of tea in pregnancy can lead to
miscarriage and premature birth. Pregnant women
should refer to idea of specialized doctors before
providing any foods or drinks for body. As a
result, you will be the safest in pregnancy.
7. Tea and coffee
Both tea and coffee contain caffeine that has bad
effect on development of fetus. In pregnancy,
mothers, especially mothers that work in office
and familiar with working with a cup of tea or
coffee, should give up this habit. Especially, in
the first 3 month, when gestation period isn’t
stable, you shouldn’t drink tea or coffee.
Both tea and coffee contain caffeine that has bad effect
on the development of fetus.
Both tea and coffee contain caffeine that has bad
effect on the development of fetus.
Image result for cat apple
8. Not eating cat apple
Cat apple has high value of nutrient. It helps
digest food and is used as appetizer. It is both
sour and sweet that is suitable with pregnant
women, especially for pregnant women that are in
morning sickness period. However, pregnant
women shouldn’t eat it a lot. According to
research of modern medicine, cat apple can make
womb become excite, it can impulse womb to
pulsate. The serious case can lead to miscarriage
and premature birth.
9. Not eating hot and peppery
Some kinds of spice such as cumin, anise,
peppercorn, cinnamon and chili, fried foods or
foods that are hot features are harmful to women
in pregnancy. Although they are delicious and
easy to eat, but they reduce the excretion of
digestive system and easily make water in bowel
lose. As a result, it leads to constipation.
Appearance of constipation makes pregnant
women have difficulty in going to toilet and
increasing pressure of abdomen, oppressing fetus
in womb and making them feel comfortable. In a
long time, this thing will make fetus not develop
normally. In addition, pregnant women will easily
suffer from miscarriage and breaking amniotic
fluid easily, premature birth and some other bad

While many people accept that using brutal
chemicals, overwhelming cleaning and even
doctor managed skin peels and laser
medications are the most ideal approach to
treat infrequent pimples, customarily these
medicines simply irritate the issue and
exacerbate matters. Thus, for periodic, limited
breakouts, here are some extraordinary
common cures that can help you dispose of
pimples or acne rapidly and easily.
1. Use Ice Cubes to Dry Out a Pimple Fast
For a pimple that has not yet infected fully, ice
can be utilized to diminish swelling and urge
the oil organs to contract and push out the
abundance oil and microbes from the
disturbed organs.
Wrap the ice in a bit of fabric and hold it
on the influenced skin region for a couple
of seconds.
Hold up a couple of minutes and rehash
the methodology.
Note: Apply the ice as many times as you
want throughout the day and the pimple ought
to run away in simply a day or two!
Read: 15 Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads
(Fast & Naturally)
2. Use Honey to Get Rid of Pimples Quickly
It has been known as a characteristic
disinfectant and can help demolish the
microbes in the oil organs rapidly, serving to
accelerate the mending methodology.
Use a clean, sterile cotton tipped application
and dab natural honey straightforwardly onto
the skin flaws, abandoning it on for no less
than 30 minutes prior to washing with warm
Note: Moreover, you can make a thick paste
with cinnamon powder and apply this mixture
to stay in contact with the pimples overnight
before washing.
3. Try Lemon Juice to Get Rid of Pimples
Another incredible approach to get rid of
pimples is to utilize new lemon juice. The
gentle citrus extract will work as a germicide
and kill the microscopic organisms in the
organ while functioning as an astringent to go
away overabundance oil. There are two or
three approaches to apply this home remedy.
Use a clean, sterile cotton swab, apply lemon
juice to the influenced zones before you sleep.
Note: For more tenacious pimples, make a
mixture of lemon juice and cinnamon powder
and spot onto pimples for throughout the
night treatment. This will help dispose of
pimples rapidly, however is not suggested for
individuals with sensitive skin.
Read: 18 Amazing Health Benefits of Lemon
4. Apply Toothpaste to Get Rid of Water
Toothpaste is an extraordinary pimple
treatment. Toothpaste is best utilized as a
subsequent meet-up icing to deliver the
speediest results. It is imperative to note that
white glue must be utilized instead of gel.
Touch some white toothpaste to the influenced
regions of the skin before quaint little inn
overnight, washing with cool water in the
morning.On the off chance that you aren’t
going anyplace, you can rehash the
methodology amid the day, making a point to
leave the toothpaste in contact with the
pimples for no less than thirty minutes to be
Note: Toothpaste can be quite irritating on
the skin, so it is important that you use this
treatment sparingly, using the correct
technique. Read on this guide before you try
this method.
5. Try Steam to Get Rid of Pimples and
It has some stunning advantages for the skin,
opening up your pores and flushing all the
terrible stuff out. This functions admirably for
individuals with pimples.
Initially, fill a huge pot with high temp
water from the tap and afterward
position your face so it comes into
contact with the rising steam. By no
means if you permit your skin to come
into contact with the heated water as
this can result in singing.
Note: Wait for thirty minutes. After that apply
moisturizer over the whole face.
6. Use Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of Pimples
Tea tree oil is astounding for treating skin
break out and acne. It has antibacterial
properties that help battle the microscopic
organisms that cause skin issues. Additionally,
its mitigating properties help decrease the
redness and aggravation of pimples. It
additionally bails dry out pimples and
Simply plunge a cotton ball in tea tree
key oil and spot it on the influenced
territory. Flush your face following 15 to
20 minutes.
Another choice is to blend a couple of
drops of tea tree oil in 1 tablespoon of
Aloe Vera gel. Apply it on your pimples
and imperfections, abandon it on for 20
minutes and after that wash your face.
Note: If your skin is sensitive, you should
avoid tea tree oil.
7. Garlic Cloves
Garlic cloves have been appreciated for its
great taste and its medical advantages. It is
indicated to have solid antibacterial, cell
reinforcement, antiviral and hostile to
contagious properties, and to support stamina
and imperativeness.
In Ayurveda, an option arrangement of
prescription local to India, crude garlic is
additionally viewed as one of the best
characteristic solutions for grown-up skin
break out, and Ayurvedic healers swear by
garlic as a treatment for pimple inflammation
scars and as a viable system for keeping new
skin break out from shaping.
Notwithstanding Ayurvedic reports, there are
various individual testimonials recommending
that eating crude garlic can help forestall and
dispose of pimples, zits, spots or whatever you
need to call these natural foes of excellence.
Garlic is an antiviral, antifungal, clean and
cancer prevention agent operators that can
help in the quick treatment of pimples. The
sulfur in garlic likewise advances brisk
mending of pimples.
Cut a garlic clove into two pieces.
Rub the garlic on the pimples and
abandon it for five minutes prior to
washing the skin with tepid water.
Rehash the treatment a few times each
Note: Eating one crude garlic clove every day
can likewise help purge your blood. However
do not eat too much as it can agitate the
8. Baking Soda Helps to Get Rid of Acne
Baking Soda is another powerful home
solution for dispose of pimples on the grounds
that it encourages peel the skin to evacuate
abundance oil, and dead skin cells. It has
numerous uses. It can be utilized as
antiperspirant, toothpaste and even in various
home solutions for skin peeling.
Pimple inflammation creates when
development of microorganisms and the cells
of your skin bunch together bringing about a
swollen pimple. Not just does skin
inflammation reason significant restorative
attentiveness toward numerous individuals,
however it can likewise be truly uncomfortable.
A few skincare powers have touted sheds to
be a piece of a successful pimple inflammation
treatment and counteractive action regimen.
Regular kitchen ingredients can be utilized as
a part of making thick mask using baking
soda. Basic home-made facial covers made
with baking soda can help you manage the
skin break out inconvenience.
Make a thick paste by blending one
teaspoon of baking soda with some
water or lemon juice.
Wash your skin well, abandoning it
marginally moist. Apply the paste on the
influenced zones and permit it to dry for
a couple of minutes.
Wash your face with warm water.
Rehash the procedure twice a day for
speedy results.
Note: Never try to keep baking soda paste on
your skin for more than a couple of minutes
as it can result in dryness or bothering.
Read: 12 Amazing Health Benefits of Baking
9. Apply Cucumber to Eliminate Pimples
Cucumber is a rich in potassium and vitamins,
for example, A, C and E. It likewise has a
cooling and alleviating impact on the skin.
Cucumber juice is a characteristic cure utilized
as a part of numerous Middle Eastern and
Asian nations to help cool and cool the skin.
Cucumber juice is likewise viable for the
treatment of skin break out. This juice is
gainful when ingested, because of supplements
found in the cucumber including vitamin A and
potassium. Cucumber juice can likewise be
advantageous for skin inflammation endures
when connected specifically to skin.
Cut cucumbers into pieces and absorb
them water for 60 minutes. The
supplements, for example, vitamin A,
potassium and chlorophyll will exchange
to the water.
Strain the water and beverage it, or use
the water to wash your face.
Note: You can also prepare face mask with
cucumber. Apply this paste and wait for 15
minutes. Wash your skin with warm water.
This will help clean your dirt and also bacteria
from your pores.
10. Apply Papaya to Get Rid of Pimples
Papaya is great for skin and you will get it
throughout the year. It is pear-molded
delectable and sweet organic item; the
consistency of the mash will be similar to
delicate spread. Normally it will associate with
1 pound in weight and 7 inches in length. The
tissue inside the papaya will be in orange
shading with slight shades of yellow or pink.
The Papaya is useful for skin and hair. It
contains a protein known as Papain that helps
you in processing proteins effectively. It is
utilized as a primary fixing as a part of biting
gums furthermore used to make dietary
supplements. Papaya is a wholesome natural
product that offers numerous profits for your
Papaya natural product has various properties
that assistance in the treatment of pimples. It
is a decent wellspring of the cancer prevention
agent vitamin A, and it has compounds that
help diminish irritation and make your skin
delicate and smooth.
Apply papaya paste over the pimples.
Wait for 10 to 15 minutes prior to
flushing it off.
To make face mask, you have to mix
some papaya pieces and include a bit
nectar. Apply this mask all over and rub
tenderly. Let it dry and after that wash
your face.
Note: Apply papaya face mask twice a day to
get quick result.
11. Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of
Pimples Fast
If you want to treat pimple, then you can
consider apple cider vinegar as a powerhouse.
Why? It kills the microorganisms that may be
bringing on all the inconvenience in any case.
It likewise gets to be basic, and parities the
pH of your skin, which thus makes it harder
for microbes to flourish. To finish it off it is an
astringent, in the same way as lemon juice,
and will help go away overabundance oil.
Remembering that, don’t exaggerate and dry
out your skin excessively.
Wash your face with water and use a towel to
dry your skin. Utilizing a proportion of 1
section vinegar to 3 sections water, dunk a
cotton ball into vinegar and apply it
specifically to the imperfection. Leave on for
no less than 10 minutes, or overnight. Reapply
a few times each day.
Note: Apply skin toner after applying this
Read: How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to
Cleanse Your Skin
How to Remove Warts Using Apple Cider
12.Use Yogurt to Get Rid of Pimples Fast
Yogurt is a delightful sustenance that is
extraordinary for breakfast and can likewise be
eaten as a sound nibble. Be that as it may did
you realize that yogurt additionally has
incredible profits for your skin when connected
topically? Yogurt has been utilized on skin for
excellence advantages since old times.
In India, utilizing yogurt for skin is still
esteemed as an awesome approach to clear
pimple inflammation and pimples. Indeed
Cleopatra from antiquated Egypt was
renowned for her every day acrid milk showers
that kept her skin sparkling and young. You
can likewise apply yogurt on your skin to
dispose of pimples
Get some yogurt. Add some lemon juice. Apply
it on your skin and delicately wash your face
after 15 minutes.
Note: You have to apply this mixture twice a
Read: 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Yogurt
13.Use Aspirin to Get Rid of Acne Fast
It is a calming so it can be a brisk and shoddy
approach to help diminish a pimple. The
majority of us generally have headache
medicine lying around at home.
The most straightforward approach to utilize it
is to make a glue with 3 sections water to 1
section Aspirin. Once the mixture had
thickened take a Q-tip and apply to the
exasperated region. The mixture will take
generally thirty minutes to solidify and start to
drop off. After that wash your face.
Note: Apply this mixture once a day.
14.Aloe Vera Gel
Not just it chills your skin off, which feels
incredible, it diminishes the irritation and
redness of pimples and expels the sleekness
from your skin.
Apply the Aloe Vera Gel to the affected area
for 15 minutes.
Note: Wash your face after 15 minutes with
warm water.
15. Use Olive Oil to Make Pimples Go Away
Olive oil contains vitamins, anti-oxidants and
iron. The calming properties of olive oil
likewise help uproot skin break out scars.
You have to apply olive oil to your scars
before going to bed.
Take somewhat olive oil and delicately
knead your face with this. Concentrate
all the more on the pimple scars.
Knead for a couple of minutes till the
time you can feel that all the oil has
been consumed by your skin.
Take a clean towel or material and wrap
it into warm water.
Put the warm towel on to your face to
get the steam.
Wipe away the excess oil tenderly with
the fabric. Don’t rub however.
Note: After 1-2 minutes, wash off your face
with ordinary water.
These 15 natural remedies to get rid of
pimples are super useful and best solutions to
get rid of pimples overnight fast.


Cervical Cancer - Topic
Overview topic talks about the testing, diagnosis, and
treatment of cervical cancer. For general information
about abnormal Pap test results, see the topic Abnormal
Pap Test .
Cervical cancer occurs when abnormal cells on the
cervix grow out of control. The cervix is the lower
part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. Cervical
cancer can often be successfully treated when it's found
early. It is usually found at a very early stage through a
Pap test .
Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in
women worldwide. But in the United States and other
countries where cervical cancer screening is routine, this
cancer is not so common. 1
Most cervical cancer is caused by a virus called human
papillomavirus , or HPV. You can get HPV by having
sexual contact with someone who has it. There are
many types of the HPV virus. Not all types of HPV cause
cervical cancer. Some of them cause genital warts , but
other types may not cause any symptoms.
Most adults have been infected with HPV at some time.
An infection may go away on its own. But sometimes it
can cause genital warts or lead to cervical cancer.
That's why it's important for women to have regular
Pap tests. A Pap test can find changes in cervical cells
before they turn into cancer. If you treat these cell
changes, you may prevent cervical cancer.
Abnormal cervical cell changes rarely cause symptoms.
But you may have symptoms if those cell changes grow
into cervical cancer. Symptoms of cervical cancer may
Bleeding from the vagina that is not normal, such as
bleeding between menstrual periods, after sex , or after
menopause .
Pain in the lower belly or pelvis.
Pain during sex .
Vaginal discharge that isn't normal.
As part of your regular pelvic exam, you should have a
Pap test. During a Pap test, the doctor scrapes a small
sample of cells from the surface of the cervix to look for
cell changes. If a Pap test shows abnormal cell
changes, your doctor may do other tests to look for
precancerous or cancer cells on your cervix.
Your doctor may also do a Pap test and take a sample
of tissue ( biopsy ) if you have symptoms of cervical
cancer, such as bleeding after sex.
The treatment for most stages of cervical cancer
Surgery, such as a hysterectomy and removal of pelvic
lymph nodes with or without removal of both ovaries
and fallopian tubes.
Chemotherapy .
Radiation therapy.
Depending on how much the cancer has grown, you may
have one or more treatments. And you may have a
combination of treatments. If you have a hysterectomy,
you won't be able to have children. But a hysterectomy
isn't always needed, especially when cancer is found
very early.
Finding out that you have cancer can change your life.

You may feel like your world has turned upside down
and you have lost all control. Talking with family,
friends, or a counselor can really help. Ask your doctor
about CERVICAL CANCER test and It's vaccination.
The Pap test is the best way to find cervical cell
changes that can lead to cervical cancer. Regular Pap
tests almost always show these cell changes before
they turn into cancer. It's important to follow up with
your doctor after any abnormal Pap test result so you
can treat abnormal cell changes. This may help prevent
cervical cancer.
If you are age 26 or younger, you can get the HPV
vaccine , which protects against two types of HPV that
cause most cases of cervical cancer.
The virus that causes cervical cancer is spread through
sexual contact . The best way to avoid getting a sexually
transmitted infection is to not have sex. If you do have
sex, practice safer sex, such as using condoms and
limiting the number of sex partners you


Image result for The History of Hepatitis C
Will Your Insurance Cover Hepatitis
C Treatment?
In recent years, the outlook for people with chronic
hepatitis C virus (HCV) has changed dramatically for the
better. New anti-viral drugs have made HCV curable for


Image result for Complications of Hepatitis
Chronic hepatitis B or C can often
lead to more serious health
problems. Because the virus
primarily affects the liver, people
with chronic hepatitis B or C are at
risk for:
chronic liver disease
cirrhosis (scarring of the
cancer of the liver (in rare
Image result for Complications of Hepatitis
When the liver stops functioning normally, liver failure
can occur. Complications of liver failure include:
bleeding disorders
a buildup of fluid in the abdomen
increased blood pressure in portal veins that
enter the liver
kidney failure
hepatic encephalopathy, which can involve
fatigue, memory loss, and diminished mental
abilities due to the build up of toxins that affect
the brain (especially ammonia)
hepatocellular carcinoma, which is a form of liver
Image result for Complications of Hepatitis
People with chronic hepatitis C are encouraged to avoid
alcohol because it can accelerate liver disease and
failure. Certain supplements, prescription, and over-the-
counter medications can also affect liver function. If
you have chronic hepatitis C, check with your doctor
before taking any new medications.



Overview Types Causes Sym
What Is Hepatitis?
Hepatitis refers to an inflammatory condition of the
liver. It’s commonly caused by a viral infection, but
there are other possible causes of hepatitis. These
include autoimmune hepatitis and hepatitis that occurs
as a secondary result of medications, drugs, toxins, and
alcohol. Autoimmune hepatitis is a disease that occurs
when your body makes antibodies against your liver
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The liver is located on the right upper quadrant of your
abdomen. It performs many critical functions that
affect metabolism throughout your body, including:
bile production that’s essential to digestion
filtering of toxins from the body
excretion of bilirubin, cholesterol, hormones, and
metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
activation of enzymes, which are specialized
proteins essential to metabolic functions
storage of glycogen, minerals, and vitamins (A, D,
E, and K)
synthesis of plasma proteins, such as albumin
synthesis of clotting factors
According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) , there are 4.4 million Americans
currently living with chronic hepatitis. Many more
people don’t even know that they have it.
Viral infections of the liver that are classified as
hepatitis include hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Hepatitis A
is a milder version of the disease, and hepatitis C and
D are more severe. Treatment options vary depending
on what form of hepatitis you have and what caused
the infection. You can prevent some forms of hepatitis
through immunizations or lifestyle precautions.
The 5 Types of Viral Hepatitis
Hepatitis A
This type derives from an infection
with the hepatitis A virus (HAV).
This type of hepatitis is most
commonly transmitted by
consuming food or water
contaminated by feces from a
person infected with hepatitis A.
Hepatitis B
This type derives from an infection with the hepatitis B
virus (HBV). This type is transmitted through puncture
wounds or contact with infectious body fluids, such as
blood, saliva, or semen. Injection drug use, having sex
with an infected partner, or sharing razors with an
infected person increase your risk of getting hepatitis B.
It’s estimated by the CDC that 1.25 million people in
the United States have chronic hepatitis B and 350
million people worldwide live with this chronic disease.
Hepatitis C
This type comes from the hepatitis C virus (HCV).
Hepatitis C is transmitted through direct contact with
infected body fluids, typically through injection drug use
and sexual contact. HCV is among the most common
blood-borne viral infections in the United States.
Approximately 2.7 million Americans are currently living
with a chronic form of this infection.
Hepatitis D
This is also called delta hepatitis. Hepatitis D is a
serious liver disease caused by the hepatitis D virus
(HDV). HDV is contracted through puncture wounds or
contact with infected blood. Hepatitis D is a rare form
of hepatitis that occurs in conjunction with hepatitis B
infection. It’s very uncommon in the United States.
Hepatitis E
Hepatitis E is a waterborne disease caused by the
hepatitis E virus (HEV). Hepatitis E is mainly found in
areas with poor sanitation and is typically caused by
ingesting fecal matter. This disease is uncommon in the
United States. However, cases of hepatitis E have been
reported in the Middle East, Asia, Central America, and
Africa, reports the CDC .
Hepatitis A and E are normally contracted from eating
contaminated food or drinking contaminated water.
Hepatitis B, C, and D are contracted through
contaminated blood. These forms of hepatitis can be
either acute or chronic. Types B and C usually become
Causes of Nonviral Hepatitis
Hepatitis can be caused by liver
damage from excessive alcohol
consumption. This is sometimes
referred to as alcoholic hepatitis.
The alcohol causes the liver to
swell and become inflamed. Other
toxic causes include overuse of medication or exposure
to poisons.
Autoimmune Disease
The immune system may mistake the liver as a harmful
object and begin to attack it, hindering liver function.
Common Symptoms of Hepatitis
If you have forms of hepatitis that
are usually chronic (hepatitis B and
C), you may not have symptoms in
the beginning. Symptoms may not
occur until liver damage occurs.
Signs and symptoms of acute
hepatitis appear quickly. They
flu-like symptoms
dark urine
pale stool
abdominal pain
loss of appetite
unexplained weight loss
yellow skin and eyes, which may be signs of
Since chronic hepatitis develops slowly, these signs and
symptoms may be too subtle to notice.
How Is Hepatitis Diagnosed?
Physical Exam
During a physical examination, your
doctor may press down gently on
your abdomen to see if there’s pain
or tenderness. Your doctor may
also feel to see if your liver is
enlarged. If your skin or eyes are
yellow, your doctor will note this during the exam.
Liver Biopsy
A liver biopsy is an invasive procedure that involves the
doctor taking a sample of tissue from your liver. This is
a closed procedure. In other words, it can be done
through the skin with a needle and doesn’t require
surgery. This test allows your doctor to determine if an
infection or inflammation is present or if liver damage
has occurred.
Liver Function Tests
Liver function tests use blood samples to determine
how efficiently the liver works. These tests check how
the liver clears blood waste, protein, and enzymes. High
liver enzyme levels may indicate that the liver is
stressed or damaged.
An abdominal ultrasound uses ultrasound waves to
create an image of the organs within the abdomen.
This test will reveal fluid in the abdomen, an enlarged
liver, or liver damage.
Blood Tests
Blood tests used to detect the presence of hepatitis
virus antibodies and antigen in the blood will indicate or
confirm which virus is the cause of the hepatitis.
Viral Antibody Testing
Further viral antibody testing may be needed to
determine if a specific type of the hepatitis virus is
How Is Hepatitis Treated?
Treatment options are determined
by which type of hepatitis you have
and whether the infection is acute
or chronic.
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A isn’t usually treated.
Bed rest may be recommended if symptoms cause a
great deal of discomfort. If you experience vomiting or
diarrhea, you will be put on a special diet created by
your doctor to prevent malnutrition or dehydration.
Vaccination can also prevent hepatitis A infections by
helping your body produce the antibodies that fight this
type of infection. Most children receive the vaccination
between ages 12 and 18 months. Vaccination is also
available for adults.
Hepatitis B
Acute hepatitis B doesn’t require specific treatment.
Chronic hepatitis B is treated with antiviral
medications. This form of treatment can be costly
because it must be followed for several months or
years. Treatment for chronic hepatitis B also requires
regular medical evaluations and monitoring to
determine if the virus is progressing. The CDC
recommends hepatitis B vaccinations for all newborns.
The vaccine is also recommended for all healthcare and
medical personnel.
Hepatitis C
Antiviral medications are used to treat both acute and
chronic forms of hepatitis C. People who develop
chronic hepatitis C are typically treated with a
combination of antiviral drug therapies. They may also
need further testing to determine the best form of
treatment. People who develop cirrhosis (scarring of the
liver) or liver disease as a result of chronic hepatitis C
may be candidates for a liver transplant.
Hepatitis D
Hepatitis D is treated with a medication called alpha
interferon. According to the Public Health Agency of
Canada, between 60 to 97 percent of people develop
hepatitis D again even after treatment.
Hepatitis E
There are currently no specific medical therapies to
treat hepatitis E. Because the infection is often acute, it
typically resolves on its own. People with this type of
infection are often advised to get adequate rest, drink
plenty of fluids, get enough nutrients, and avoid alcohol.
Tips to Prevent Hepatitis
Practicing good hygiene is one key
way to avoid contracting hepatitis.
If you’re traveling to a developing
country, you should avoid:
drinking local water
raw fruit and vegetables
Hepatitis contracted through contaminated blood can
be prevented by:
not sharing drug needles
not sharing razors
not using someone else’s toothbrush
not touching spilled blood
The utilization of vaccines is a second key to
preventing hepatitis. Vaccinations are available to
prevent the development of hepatitis A and B. Experts
are currently developing vaccines against hepatitis C,
D, and E.
Complications of Hepatitis
Chronic hepatitis B or C can often
lead to more serious health
problems. Because the virus
primarily affects the liver, people
with chronic hepatitis B or C are at
risk for:
chronic liver disease
cirrhosis (scarring of the
cancer of the liver (in rare
When the liver stops functioning normally, liver failure
can occur. Complications of liver failure include:
bleeding disorders
a buildup of fluid in the abdomen
increased blood pressure in portal veins that
enter the liver
kidney failure
hepatic encephalopathy, which can involve
fatigue, memory loss, and diminished mental
abilities due to the build up of toxins that affect
the brain (especially ammonia)
hepatocellular carcinoma, which is a form of liver
People with chronic hepatitis C are encouraged to avoid
alcohol because it can accelerate liver disease and
failure. Certain supplements, prescription, and over-the-
counter medications can also affect liver function. If
you have chronic hepatitis C, check with your doctor
before taking any new medications.