Most women have between 11 and
13 menstrual periods each year. You
may be different: You may have
more or fewer. Missed or irregular
periods must be looked at in terms
of what is normal for you.
Menstrual periods are often irregular
during the first few years after
menstruation starts. It may take
several years for the hormones that
control menstruation to reach a
Menstrual periods also may be very
irregular at the other end of the
menstrual years. Many women
realize that they are approaching
perimenopause and menopause
when their otherwise regular
periods become irregular.
Menopause occurs when it has been
12 months since you had a
menstrual period.
Pregnancy is the most common
cause of a missed period. If you
might be pregnant, treat yourself as
if you are pregnant until you know
for sure. Use a home pregnancy test
as the first step to finding out
whether you are pregnant.
If you are not pregnant, other causes
of missed or irregular periods
Excessive weight loss or gain.
Although low body weight is a
common cause of missed or
irregular periods, obesity also can
cause menstrual problems.
Eating disorders, such as anorexia or
bulimia. For more information, see
the topic Anorexia Nervosa or
Bulimia Nervosa.
Increased exercise. Missed periods
are common in endurance athletes.
Emotional stress.
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